The Women's Health Fund is a brokerage fund to cover the cost of specific sexual and reproductive health services.
It is administered state-wide by Women's Health Tasmania with the assistance of General Practitioners and other health service providers. (The forms are at the bottom of this page.)
The Women's Health Fund is to assist eligible people aged 25 and over. It covers:
- The cost of accessing Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
- The cost of medical termination of pregnancy
- The cost of the cost of surgical termination of pregnancy (in some instances)
To be eligible, applicants must
- be Commonwealth Concession Card holders (Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card);
- or otherwise in financial difficulty (not a Concession Card Holder but the cost or accessing private health insurance would cause difficulties for the patient)
The application process is managed by the health service provider with invoices being sent directly to Women's Health Tasmania.
To learn more, call our Women’s Health Information Line on 1800 675 028 for more information.
Young people aged 12 - 24 can access the Youth Health Fund via The Link.
Health service providers accessing the Fund for patients can use the application forms below.