Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Rural Strength Training

A group of people doing stretching exercises
A group of people doing stretching exercises

Rural Strength Training in your community

Women's Health Tasmania has developed a unique program to respond to rural communities' requests for affordable, local and sustainable physical activity programs.

With the support of a Healthy Tasmania Grant from the Department of Health, and an exercise physiologist, we developed a low impact strength training program geared for people who might face barriers to exercise. We join with local partners to get the equipment required, and to train a local person to deliver the program.

Between 2021 and 2022 we delivered this program in partnership with Neighbourhood Houses in St Helens, Geeveston and Dunalley. We worked with 122 participants, ran 10 fitness programs, and trained 5 fitness instructors.

If you would like to see this program run in your community, please get in touch.


Strength Training online

Women's Health Tasmania offers weekly strength training classes free through our online Facebook group. Go here to read more about our online classes and to join our closed Facebook group.