Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Pregnancy Choices and Reproductive Coercion Training

Two of our trainers standing in front of Women's Health Tasmania banner
Two of our trainers standing in front of Women's Health Tasmania banner

Who is the training for?

This training supports workers and organisations to deliver best practice health care and support to people who are seeking or considering an abortion. It presents evidence-based strategies for professionals, drawing on the expertise of Children by Choice (QLD) and informed by the lived experience of people who have had abortions in Tasmania. 

Learning outcomes  

Participants will walk away with:  

  • Skills in giving information and referrals in non-directive, trauma-informed ways.   
  • The ability to identify and respond to reproductive coercion.  
  • A holistic understanding of abortion access in Tasmania and how to refer patients to medical and social support services.  
  • An awareness of legal obligations on health care practitioners.  

Cost and Duration

The workshop is 4 hours long and costs $30 per attendee. The workshop encourages attendees to participate and reflect during the session. Refreshments are provided. 



Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024 

Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Venue: Women's Health Tasmania, 25 Lefroy Street, North Hobart



Date: Tuesday 6 August
Time: 9am to 1pm
Venue: Child and Family Centre- 36 Thorne Street, Burnie Tasmania 7320

*Sold out, waiting list available
Date: Wednesday 4th September
Time: 9am to 1pm
Venue: Launceston Library- Civic Square, Launceston Tasmania 7250

Women’s Health Tasmania

Women’s Health Tasmania (WHT) has a 30-year history of providing successful health promotion initiatives to priority population groups in Tasmania. WHT is a state-wide service that provides healthy activity programs, health information and counselling. WHT engages in policy and advocacy work that aims to amplify the voices of all Tasmanian women and achieve positive, sustainable change within the health sector. 

WHT is a key provider of free, non-directive, all-options pregnancy options counselling. WHT has been a key advocate in Tasmania working across the health sector to coordinate access to safe, no-cost access to abortion for all women and people who need it.  

About the Trainers

Heidi Morton (she/her) is the social worker at Women’s Health Tasmania. She is experienced in counselling, including non-directive pregnancy options counselling, and in delivering Reproductive Options training.

Lucinda Shannon (she/her) is Deputy CEO of Women’s Health Tasmania. She is experienced in delivering Reproductive Options and LGBTIQ+ inclusivity training and she is a qualified social worker.

Kelly Madden (she/her) is Women’s Health Tasmania’s psychologist. She has experience in pregnancy options counselling and working in perinatal health. 

The logo for Pregnancy Options and Reproductive Coercion training