Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Menstrual Health

Four women standing in their underwear with their arms making x shapes
Four women standing in their underwear with their arms making x shapes

"A Good Period" Workshop

Through a process of co-design with women who are menstruating, Women's Health Tas has developed a workshop about menstrual health. It's discussion-based, informative and fun, and you get to take home some very special resources to help you track whether you are in your badass or bleeding phase.

Please note: this workshop provides a general overview of menstruation and provides a space for people with periods to share their experiences. We are not medical professionals, and therefore cannot give specific advice around issues such as PMDD or endometriosis. If you are seeking more detailed support or advice for your issue, we suggest you visit a women’s health GP, gynecologist, or pelvic floor physio. You can also check out our Pregnancy Choices Website database to search for sexual and reproductive health care service providers in your area.

"A Good Period" Workshop with Simple English resources

At the request of a Tasmanian business, our health promotion team redesigned our "Good Period" workshop to make it more accessible for women with intellectual disabilities. This workshop has been run and received very positive feedback from participants. The workshop is discussion-based, informative and fun.

Menstrual health podcast series

Season Two of our sexual and reproductive health-focussed podcast series, She's Out There,  was all about menstrual health.  This three-episode investigative podcast series explores periods, power and health in Tasmania. It's a fun, informative, 'true crime' style exploration of the topic with interviews with lots of local menstruators!

Ep 1: Your period has been hijacked!

Ep 2: Crouching Tampon, Hidden Plastic

Ep 3: The Luxury of Choice

The Undies Project

This is Women's Health Tasmania's response to widespread period poverty in Tasmania. Through the project we distribute free period-friendly underwear to low-income menstruators. The undies are a sustainable response to the planet's plastic problem You can be part of this project, by applying for the Undies, and becoming an Undies Warrior, or by donating to it - and becoming an Undies Patron. Go here to learn more.