Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Where's Your Line?

Two icebergs float in a sea of lines. Text says Where's Your Line: how bystanders can prevent the abuse of women and girls
Two icebergs float in a sea of lines. Text says Where's Your Line: how bystanders can prevent the abuse of women and girls

Where's Your Line? workshops are for communities and workplaces.

The workshop program is an initiative developed by Women's Health Tasmania in partnership with the Hobart Women's Shelter, Engender Equality and Women's Legal Service specifically for Tasmanian communities. Our trainers come from all these organisations and other family and sexual violence services.

The workshop is all about practical, safe things you can do to stop the abuse of women and girls.

Workshops are free and catering is provided. 

Let us know if you would like a workshop at your sporting club, community group, or local hall.

Where is the next Where's Your Line Workshop?


Date: Tuesday 4th March

Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm

Venue: Bridgewater Community House

Book here:



Date: Friday 4th April

Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm

Venue: Deloraine House

Book here:


New Town

Date: Tuesday 8th April

Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm

Venue: Kickstart Arts

Book here:


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