Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Become a Member

Becoming a member won't give you the key to the 'executive lounge' or discounts in high class stores - that's not quite our style - but you will get the opportunity to vote at our Annual General Meeting, to be invited to events and special workshops, and participate in our advocacy campaigns from time to time.

Membership is a way of showing what the organisation means to you. It's only $15 per year.

To become a member please fill in the form below, you will then be directed to our GiveNow page where you can pay the $15. Please don't forget to do this step, or your membership won't count!

 You can also send us a cheque/money order if you prefer.

Thank you!

Membership signup form