Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Suggested topics for Conference presentations

We are particularly interested in presentations related to the following areas. If you have something to share, we’d love to hear from you!

Human Rights and Health Equity
We encourage presentations that focus on improving access to contraception and abortion services, particularly for those facing barriers to care. Topics could include:

  • The impact of changes to Tasmanian abortion referral pathways (2021)
  • Experiences of reproductive coercion
  • Aboriginal perspectives on sexual and reproductive health care
  • Gender diversity and cultural considerations in health practice

Determinants of Health
Presentations in this area may explore the social and structural factors influencing sexual and reproductive health. Topics might include:

  • The role of health providers in influencing service use
  • The link between poverty and sexual/reproductive health
  • The impact of visa status on health access
  • The role of schools in promoting sexual and reproductive health
  • The effects of family and sexual violence and coercion on women’s health

Lived experience of the people using our services
Innovative health care involves collaborating closely with those who use health services. We want to celebrate these collaborative approaches, and share stories and knowledge from lived experience. Creative formats are encouraged!

Clinical and Cultural Safety
We are looking for innovative approaches to delivering sexual and reproductive health services and sexuality education. Topics could include:

  • Access to services such as scans, gestational limits, and medical termination
  • Late-term abortion and gender-diverse experiences in accessing care
  • Ensuring cultural safety in reproductive health services