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North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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How to submit your abstract

We invite submissions for Access and quality: Tasmanian Reproductive Health Conference. All abstracts must align with the conference’s pro-choice position and should reflect innovative, research-based, practice-based, or creative contributions. 

Go here to read some suggested topics.

Please follow the guidelines below when submitting your abstract:

  1. Abstract Length
    • Maximum 250 words (excluding title, authors, and affiliations).
  2. Title
    • Provide a concise and descriptive title for your presentation.
  3. Content
    • Introduction: Briefly describe the background or context of your work.
    • Objective(s): State the aims or goals of your presentation.
    • Methods/Approach: Describe how the work was conducted (if applicable).
    • Results/Findings: Summarize key results, outcomes, or findings.
    • Conclusions/Implications: Highlight the significance of your work and its implications for improving sexual and reproductive health.
  4. Format
    • Submit as a Word document or PDF.
    • Ensure that your abstract is clear, well-written, and free of jargon.
  5. Authors and Affiliations
    • List the key people involved (authors/project partners) and what organisations they work for.
    • Tell us who would be presenting at the Conference.
  6. Presentation Type
    • Indicate if your abstract is for a research-based, practice-based, or creative presentation (e.g., storytelling, lived experience, etc.).
  7. Relevance
    • Ensure your abstract is relevant to the conference theme of improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes in Tasmania, particularly in the context of pregnancy choices.
  8. Deadline
    • Submit your abstract by COB 20th March, 2025.
  9. Submission Instructions
    • Email your abstract to Lucinda Shannon @email
  10. Outcome
  • Successful abstract submissions will be notified by 10th April, 2025.