Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Knit Your Bits

Knit Your Bits. Which bit will you knit?
Knit Your Bits. Which bit will you knit?

Knit Your Bits is a craft project about women’s bodies. During 2021 we asked women to sew, knit or crochet part of their body for an exhibition to celebrate International Women’s Day in March 2022.

Our goal was to create positive understandings of the diversity of women’s bodies using craft and community. 

To do the project we held craft workshops in Ross, Sheffield, Cygnet, Currie, Goodwood, Beaconsfield, Hobart and Deloraine, facilitated by textile artists, local crafters and community services.

The exhibition tour

The Knit Your Bits exhibition, featuring 80+ exhibits and artists' statements, was launched on Tuesday 8th March, International Women's Day, at Ross. 

After its stay at Ross the exhibition travelled to Sheffield, Cygnet, Launceston, King Island and Hobart