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Meditation with Valerie

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
Meditation with Valerie, cover image

Join mindfulness meditation practitioner, Valerie as she guides you through several different styles of meditation and helps you understand the neuroscience that makes meditation so good for us!

Meditation with Valerie is a program of Women’s Health Tasmania. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

9c. Nature contemplation

Another contemplation designed to help you soften a little more.   You are enmeshed in the natural world, you just need to give it a little thought, a little attention. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

9b. Contemplating interdependence

Even though we live on a very populated planet, we can still feel separate, disconnected.   Or we draw lines and place ‘us’ on one side and ‘them’ on the other. This contemplation helps you to see that you are not just connected, you are enmeshed.  

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

9a. Taking in the good

This is a quick and easy practice that will help to counteract the brain’s fixation on negative   information. Learn how to make more of your brain’s plasticity, to take in positive experiences more effectively.  

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

8c. Soft words, soft voice meditation

We are hardwired, often socialised as well, to give ourselves a hard time.  This is a function of the brain that is concerned with your survival, though not at all with your happiness. A harsh inner voice is counterproductive to your wellbeing.

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

8b. Self-compassion meditation

You have probably heard of the ‘fight or flight’ system. This meditation activates the lesser known ‘tend and befriend’ system. Include yourself in this naturally warm and fuzzy vibe. Whoever you are, wherever you are, this is a powerful rebalancing exercise. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

8a. Introduction to self-compassion meditation

Many people find self-compassion difficult, whereas compassion for others comes easily. Both are good for your wellbeing. This meditation helps you to draw on your capacity for compassion, then invites you to offer it to yourself.

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

Episode 7b: Riverbank meditation

Practice sitting on the riverbank, feel that restful place. Soon you will be able to access this calming place when you are out and about, living your busy life … because it is within you.  Be willing to give yourself moments of rest. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

Episode 7a: Introduction to riverbank meditation

The chatterbox mind is like a river, ceaselessly flowing and churning. This meditation helps you to get familiar with a different aspect of mind. This is your witnessing mind; it does not judge nor get swept away. It has a spacious, very restful quality. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

Episode 6b: Naming your thoughts meditation

This meditation offers a powerful circuit   breaker for those counter-productive stories we keep telling ourselves. When we drop the story, we drop the judgements and the fixed ideas too. Therein lies the possibility for something new, to create a new pathway. 

Meditation with Valerie, cover image
/ Meditation with Valerie

Episode 6a: Introduction to naming your thoughts

Not only is the chatterbox mind a story making mined with a negative bias, in the absence of information it makes stuff up. This combination often turns out badly and we keep telling ourselves the same unhelpful stories. Name them … see them more clearly.